In 2022, Covid-19带来的挑战仍然显而易见, 对在台ag体育官网企业的影响尚不清楚. 然而, 在2023年的调查中, 当时几乎所有与大流行病有关的限制都已解除, Swedish businesses reported a continued positive outlook on the market, with 78 per cent of responding companies describing their financial performance as positive. 与去年的结果相比,这一数字增长了2%. 此外, 只有7%的受访者遭受了经济损失, 这是, 然而, 与去年的调查相比略有增加.

One notable trend emerging in the 台湾ese market is the growing significance of 可持续性. It's not just a buzzword; it's a tangible opportunity that is garnering attention. The convergence of customer demand for eco-friendly products and services, 再加上强有力的政策举措, 它已经成为最有前途的商业途径之一了吗.

Even though half of the respondent companies in the survey name geopolitical tensions as a barrier to investments, 56%的人表示,这对他们的前景影响不大,甚至没有影响. 虽然这是一个需要进一步监测和分析的因素, the overarching impression among the participants is still one of a very positive business and investment outlook.

最后, ag体育官网拥有强大的民族品牌, and Swedish brands globally are often associated with 可持续性, 创新, 与平等. 这一点在调查中得到了明确的证实, as 88 per cent of all companies estimated that the Swedish brand has a positive contribution to their business in 台湾.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 



这项调查的目的是突出优势, ag体育官网公司在台湾的风险与机会. 该调查于2023年4月至5月进行.

During the survey, 71 companies were approached, and 41 of those responded. 这相当于应答率为57.7%,误差范围为10%. The majority of the companies that responded to the survey are large, mature industrial companies.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the participating companies and respondents who have contributed to this report with valuable insights.